So you can imagine my dismay when the salesman at Campmor gave me lip about a purchase I had fully researched online. If you are unfamiliar with Campmor you may follow the link to be enlightened. Guys who say they don't like to shop have most likely never been to Campmor, or Cabela's for that matter. On this particular trip I was purchasing a pair of the new barefoot style trail running shoes for Tammy as she had become quite jealous of my new found foot freedom. (If I have not previously mentioned it in these pages, I have not had hip or knee pain since I embraced the barefoot running craze. If you are a runner, or would like to start running and have fun doing it, read this; "Born to Run" by Chris Mcdougall). So I walked back to the shoe department and asked for a pair of Women's size 8 1/2 Merrell Pace Trail Runners. "Which style were you interested in?" the young sales clerk asked in response. Knowing that I had just specifically named the style I assumed he meant that it comes in different colors so I followed him over to the display. "You mean what color?" I queried back. "No what model?" he answered. "The women's Pace, in size 8 1/2. This one right here" I emphasized as I picked it up to show him. I only detail all this boring dialogue to allow you, the reader, to arrive at the same conclusion as I, that he had zero familiarity with the Merrell barefoot trail running shoe line in spite of the fact that he worked in the shoe department of an outdoor gear store. I guess I mistakenly assumed that when I initially barged into the shoe department and told him what I wanted without browsing first, he would immediately realize that I was obviously a connoisseur of fine athletic footwear and he would have just replied "Ahh, excellent choice sir", like a good sommelier.

So he brings them out and I notice that they are Euro size 39 and Tammy is usually a Euro size 40. So I mention this to the salesman and he pooh poos my concern and tells me not to worry about the Euro sizes, as they don't really mean anything. Well........I happen to be intimately familiar with Euro sizes as much of our outdoor athletic foot gear from climbing shoes to ski boots are foreign made. And when I mentioned I had to go a half American size down to my usual Euro size on my Merrell trail runners (as did many people who wrote online reviews) did he say "very good sir, I shall go and check our stock"? No he did not. I'm thinking maybe I should shop exclusively at Nordstrom from now on but they don't sell what I'm buying. But man, are they good at pretending to actually enjoy helping every shopper regardless of anything.
Anyway, it turned out the shoes fit fine and now Tammy is really going to kick my butt on the downhills. If you have never hiked or run with Tammy in the mountains I suggest getting out of her way on the downs. She is usually back at the car while I am still 200 yards back slowly picking my way over the talus in morbid fear of tripping and plunging, if not to my death, then into a compound tibial fracture at least. Maybe the barefoot runners will help. Euro size 41.
Note to self, never hike or run with Tammy...