Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Road Rage Redux Redux

So this morning I was driving to work on my favorite road, of which I have related several hair raising road rage incidents.   This latest episode is not so much road rage as "I am late for day care" rage.  I was going 50 mph in the 45 mph zone when a Nissan Altima breezed by me going at least 60 mph.  I know this for a fact because I sped up just to see if I could keep up and at 60 mph she was still getting ahead of me.  I quickly aborted my pace car speed for fear of, well, fear.  Here is the funny part.  Maybe not funny, more like incongruous.  She had a "Baby on Board" sign in the back window and the actual baby in the back seat (I saw her turn around and talk to him at the red light). 

Now if someone wants to speed , and they are not trying to beat me out to the merge, it is none of my business.  But by displaying this sign she is sucking every driver around  into her world and in essence telling everyone in the vicinity of this car to be careful. While she goes at least 15 mph over the limit in a residential area.  Seriously?  I am trying to not let my posts become angry rants so I will place this one in the "I am just pointing out hypocritical behavior for comedic purposes"  category.  I feel amused incredulity.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping in one of your RR Redux posts that there is a white middle age male doing all the raging... So far it isn't looking good for us middle-age females. Wait... This woman had a baby on board, she's definitely half my age... Maybe it is an age thing?
