On first inspection this would seem to be a very chauvinistic title for this posting. I would respectively refer you to the "About Me" section before you post any nasty comments about my opinions. Thank you.
Fortunately for me, my cabin in the woods came fully furnished, well almost. There is a couch with a coffee table upon which to place your feet. There is also a matching reading chair but it lacked its companion piece, the ottoman. After a lengthy discussion in which I held that the feet must be elevated while in repose (to prevent DVT's) my wife agreed that we needed a $700.00 ottoman. I only mention the price for the gratuitous shock value. In all fairness to my expensive taste it has a storage compartment, so in reality it is a combination foot rest/junk drawer.
After a 6 week wait we went to pick it up on a frigid February day. The furnishings store is owned by a man and his wife, who was there alone on this day. She grabbed a key ring with at least fifty keys on it and I followed her out to the storage building to get the ottoman. While she proceeded to try every single key without actually knowing which was the right one, I stood there freezing my butt off dying to rip the keys out of her hand and open the lock myself. After literally 15 minutes of me gritting my teeth watching this, she blamed the freezing weather for jamming the lock. Her husband eventually showed up and when we went outside he immediately selected one key and opened the lock in two seconds. I just about peed in my pants laughing. "We shouldn't do that to them", he said when he saw my reaction. It's true that in general women don't have an interest in technical detail and mechanics, the left brained skills. Even 500 years from now, when we humans are fully evolved, I think it is likely that the chief engineer on the Starship Enterprise will be a guy named Scotty, not a woman named Uhuru.
One time, before the advent of CD's but after the invention of the RCA jack, I was taping an album, and when my wife walked in the room, I started a conversation with her. QUIET she admonished me, aren't you taping an album? She thought people still used a microphone to transfer music to a cassette tape and this was the late 1980's. Sometimes I wonder if she thinks you have to turn out the lights when downloading pictures to your computer. It's not that women aren't smarter than men, they are. It's just that given a choice, they would rather improve the world not with technology, but with psychology. So when your wife is assisting you in changing the leaky faucet cartridge and she hands you a wrench, when you specifically asked for pliers, just remember that she will understand when you start to cry.
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