A few words of caution; Never buy a Philly cheesesteak (spell check says two words but it is wrong) outside of Philadelphia or the surrounding areas. Never eat New York "style" cheese cake. Never ever eat pizza west of the Appalachians, south of Philadelphia, or north of Boston. Don't order mussels if the airport is more than thirty minutes from the restaurant, or the ocean is more than a two hour flight away. And never ever ever ever never eat in Cracker Barrel. Not ever. I am begging you. Do not do it.
In high school, my friend and I wrote an article for the school newspaper rating all the pizza joints in town. Everyone has an opinion about the best pizza. I, for one, will never order from Dominoes, Papa Johns, or Little Caesar's. Maybe Pizza Hut once in while, but come to think of it not in the past few years. I do not eat pizza with a knife and fork. That is just plain weird. I eat it New York style, folded in half, with my hands. I am also quite put out by Chicago style pizza. What the hell does that even mean? I one time ate in a "Chicago Style Pizzeria". I sat with my back against the wall.
My current favorite pizza is served at a restaurant in Phoenicia and it is actually two restaurants in one. Brio's is the section that serves the wood stove fired pizza. They also serve breakfast and a variety of standards. The other part is called The Sportsman's Alamo Cantina. It is more like a bar that serves Tex-Mex. They are connected and when you are seated (if it is after 4pm) you get a menu from both restaurants. They also have separate phone numbers. I really don't understand the whole thing. But, man, the pizza is good. The two slices pictured above are a roasted eggplant and a Margherita. The crust on the pizza is the best part. It has sesame seeds and it is always just a bit burnt due to the wood fired oven. The burgers are also heavenly. They taste like your cousin just handed it to you at a Fourth of July picnic.
If you ever come to visit, this is where you will be taken to eat.
I can't wait!