Sunday, December 5, 2010

"I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude."(Thoreau)

I recently started a business Facebook page for my dental office.
So I now basically have six online venues which I can ignore, especially while I am up here at the cabin: personal Facebook page, business Facebook page, blog, website, and e-mail (personal and work).
If I have left anything out, let me know. While I bought the cabin to inspire and energize me it has had the opposite effect (see blog entry "My Favorite Law").  All I want to do is either stare out at the stream or go hiking.   It's as if I become Henry David Thoreau minus the talent, intellectual curiosity, and calmness.  OK, sure I sometimes sit and stare at my laptop screen trying desperately to tap out a few words which will amuse someone in the blogosphere, but my overall level of commitment is "manana"  (I see there is a tilda key on my keyboard but it just does this;~).  It's not such a bad thing, contemplating nature while trying to ignore the greater world.  In fact, I think trying to always capture one's thoughts might detract from the overall "being in the moment" experience.  I found the same to be true of travel photography.  Sometimes the adventures became diluted in my zeal to "capture the moment" for later bragging rights.  It's true, life is about the trip, not the movie rights.


  1. Present company (my wife) excluded from the sentiment expressed in the title.

  2. Great sentiments Rich, FYI, to get the "ñ" just press 1 6 4 while holding down the ALT key. All the diacritical marks have keyboard numerical shortcuts.

  3. I was going to google it, but I was too lazy. I still can't get it to work.
