Sunday, May 16, 2010

Science Fair 101

I have not posted a blog for quite a while. That is clearly a sign (as opposed to a symptom, look up the difference) of my adult ADD. I do something for a while, usually get pretty good at it, then quit. Two or three people (not counting my parents) have commented that they have been semi amused by my writing so I say job well done and what's my next project? If you stay at something too long, you will eventually fail.

I have made it to the top of 47 of the 48 contiguous state high points and I kind of lost interest. I will do the last one one day I am sure. When I think back on all I have done it becomes painfully obvious that I am a 90 percenter. An A-, B+, person if I were to grade myself. Of course most people would consider me an over achiever but I am most definitely an under achiever. I usually quit or rush a project out of boredom. I also eventually beg off of many commitments if the hassle index gets too high. This is why I am a general dentist and not a specialist. My most competitive sport was triathlon (there is a change 3 times in one event), not marathon running. I am most definitely a jack of all trades yet master of none.

Luckily there is one arena in which I have had good staying power and that is my marriage. Tammy does often wonder how I have not gotten bored with her but she is an A plus person and she is definitely my anchor in life. The fact that she is a cougar doesn't hurt matters either.

None of this has anything to do with my post, but of course a symptom of ADD is a wandering mind. Today I am actually going to comment on a current event; the Deepwater oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Does it seem to anyone else that these guys are behaving like 14 year olds in eighth grade chemistry class? Oh let's stick a cork with a tube in it, on the Erlenmeyer flask and see what happens. Dang, it's still boiling over. Oh hey, let's try smothering it with a lid. Oops, it toppled over and has now spread over the entire lab table. It's not too bad. Only one fourth of the classroom is burned. Oh alright, three fourths. Thank goodness the principal is away today trying to get the school board to agree to not cut funding for the Junior Engineers of America Club.

I would also like to know why we have not heard a peep out of Sarah Palin since the disaster. How does "drill, baby, drill" sound now, miss PTA Mom on steroids?

Well, I feel better now.


  1. FYI: Cougar: noun Definition: A woman aged 40 years or old who preys on younger men.

    My sister does NOT prey on younger men. She does NOT prey on any men. She is married to you.

    Yes, where is Sarah exactly?

  2. Well, I cannot call Tammy a MILF because she is not a mom. And why is it considered "preying" as if there is a victim????

  3. Don't know exactly, except that's the definition you get when you Google "Cougar Dating".
