Friday, June 21, 2013

I Asked For It

Careful what you ask for.  I asked to be pissed off and boy did Connie Waterman of Narberth, PA oblige.  She is a fellow letter to the Editor writer at the Philadelphia Inquirer.  Here is the link to her letter. I will paste it here as well, in case the link is ever broken.  I don't ever want to forget it.

Here is the link to the letter: Thou shalt not hate. Scroll down to "Threat to Military Readiness"

I have pasted the letter here as well:

Threat to military readiness

I do not claim that there is no sexual misconduct in the U.S. military. However, I believe Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) and other Democrats are encouraging any misconduct claim from women in order to destroy the military accomplishments of men ("For U.S. military, an enemy within," June 13). Since the 1960s, liberals have loathed the military. Liberals destroyed the institution of marriage, Judeo-Christian values, the family unit, work ethics, personal responsibility, and respect for life in the womb. The military is next.

Connie Waterman, Narberth, PA
My response:
Dear Connie,

I am very disappointed in your letter.  The military isn't next.  It's already dead.  The day they allowed a gay Marine to defend his country is the day the military died.  It is already too late for our brave men in uniform.  No, the next American institution the liberals are going to destroy is healthcare.  Our sacred right to spend 80% of our precious healthcare dollars on the last five years of our life is in jeopardy.  Liberals want equal access to healthcare regardless of ability to pay. Preposterous!  How dare the social misanthropes who call themselves liberals allow someone with a preexisting heart condition to get affordable healthcare. Those chronically ill malingerers have no one to blame but themselves what with all that cigarette smoking and Big Mac eating. And what about their 25 year old kids? Why do they deserve to leech off society? No one gave me health insurance when I was a young adult. If I was careless with a knife and accidentally sliced my finger off, my mother sewed it back on. Out here on the prairie we take care of our own.

And speaking of the prairie, those damn liberals are systematically destroying the farmers way of life. They especially hate, hate, chicken farmers. What did Frank Perdue or John Tyson ever do to harm a chicken? Those men were church going saints. They do those chickens a favor by squashing them in like invertebrate sardines and providing free hormones and antibiotics. Chickens can't fly anyway. The liberals want to create an entire generation of entitled chickens by messing with the Farm Bill. Liberals care more about chickens than they do another woman's womb.  Pure evil.

Evil?   I'll tell you what's evil. The woods. Absolutely no good can come from allowing trees to proliferate any where in America. The forest is the devil's home. Where do you think Satan tempted Eve?  In the woods, that's where.  A snake in a tree.  The liberals want to preserve our forests! They just hate mankind that much. Imagine favoring trees over strip malls. There are no snakes in the Kohl's parking lot. I can assure you of that.

I agree that liberals have destroyed the sanctity of marriage.  Have you ever heard of a God fearing Christian cheating on his wife?  Only a self centered, lazy atheist would split up his family over another woman.  I can't think of a single hard working atheist that ever did a single thing for this country.  Well, except for Thomas Jefferson.  He might have been Agnostic, though.  I'm not sure.  He was so busy providing for the slaves on his farm, especially that Mrs. Sally Hemings, that I don't know how he had time to rewrite the entire Bible leaving out all the metaphysical passages.

Speaking of Thomas Jefferson, I don't think there is a single liberal that knows the first thing about our founding fathers.  Men like John Adams, George Washington, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.  They weren't a bunch of wealthy intellectual elitists.  No, they were just like you and me.  Hard working, God fearing, blue collar laborers.  If it wasn't for those nice slaves keeping the plantations running, those selfless men never would have had the time to meet in Philadelphia.  Now that I think about it, it was a bunch of liberal abolitionists that wanted the slaves freed in the first place.  The plantation masters were certainly conservative church going men.  Where do these liberals get their crazy ideas?

One more thing.  The American family was way better off before we had; The Family Leave Act, a minimum wage, The Americans with Disablities Act, Medicare, Social Security, The Clean Air Act,  unemployment benefits, and work place safety rules.  Liberal ideas, every last one.  How dare anyone believe we are all responsible for each other whether they worship in our church or not.