I bought an American flag on my way up to the cabin this weekend. I could not wait to display it for the Fourth of July Celebration. There is a campground at the end of my road and I wanted all the campers to pass it on their way in and out of town. I knew it would make them feel good.
You see, a pro choice, first amendment loving, liberal democrat can love the flag and America as much as a second amendment worshipping, gun toting, pro life, God fearing right winger. In fact, I have always flown the flag on national holidays at my home in Woodbury. And on Veteran's Day I have also made it a point to call my Dad and thank him for saving us from speaking German. If I sound self righteous it is because I am sick of right wing ideologues corrupting the nature of civil liberties and what it means to be a patriot.
One of their favorite tactics (as I have previously written) is to demean intellectual "elitists". They feel the United States should be run by "one of us", whatever that means. The likes of George Bush and Sarah Palin I guess. Never mind the fact that the Bushes are patrician blue bloods. And Sarah, of course, is anti smarts. They are also constantly invoking the memory of the founding fathers' original intents. Well, I have some startling news for you. My theory of life being just like high school is once again born out in this ideological conflict. You see, the founding fathers were also composed of men from both the city born "intellectual elites" and the rural born "unschooled farmer class". They fought about the ideals for which America will stand. Jefferson (himself, ironically, a well bred bookworm) fought for a decentralized nation of yeoman farmers, while men like Alexander Hamilton were for a more centralized government (the Federalists).
It is the same fight today, a strong federal government vs. states rights and local control. So, for guys like Rush Limbaugh to think they have a lock on the meaning of America is to ignore the most basic eleventh grade history lessons. It is like Ben Franklin said 225 years ago when asked what form our government will take, a monarchy or a republic; "A republic", he responded, "if they can keep it".
ReplyDeleteI can one hundred percent agree with you on this post. I too am tired of the "Real America" right wing quotes. As a fellow pro choice, first amendment loving, liberal democrat(Liberal is not a dirty word) I am sick of the hijacking of our country.
Have a great 4th! well back to work, there is no 4th here in Saudi Arabia.
Yes. We need to take America back from the right wing fascists and those who have allowed the "terrorists" to dictate how we live our lives. When we succumb to fear, the terrorists have won. I imagine being in "The Kingdom" makes one appreciate our freedoms.