Sunday, June 6, 2010

I can't seem to get over high school.

The following is strictly a rant. Stream of conscious writing only.

I think the smart kids need to take America back from the clueless kids. Why are we so afraid of offending them when they say and believe in ideas based on emotions rather than facts? The under achievers in high school never wasted an opportunity to belittle the smart kids. If you volunteered and answered questions in class you were called the teacher's pet. Now the term "intellectual elite" has become a pejorative used by the likes of Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh. They are basically the loud mouth preternaturally pubescent bullies from high school. If you don't agree with them they call you an elitist snob. I for one am tired of worrying about offending the unenlightened masses. The perfect example of this is President Obama's "They cling to their guns and religion "comment. I guarantee you, the same people who were offended by that are the same ones who made fun of me in gym class for not being able to do a layup. The Tea Party is most likely made up of the kids who shot spit balls at the back of my head for volunteering to answer the questions posed by my eleventh grade chemistry teacher. You know I am right. Why have we let them hijack America? Honestly, Sarah Palin.....really?????
And George Bush? Sure he believed in bipartisanship. His idea of being bipartisan was if everyone, on both sides of the isle, did what he wanted.....Just like the "cool kids" from high school.

It is like I always say, "life is just a pale extension of high school". If you didn't have the same values as the jocks, you were made to feel like a bonehead. We need to lift America up to the standards of the Honor Society, not be held hostage to the whims of the cheerleading squad (no offense to cheerleaders, but you get my drift). That is what one of the most popular television shows in America, Glee, is about. Most Americans obviously get this but we still exalt the "cool kids" like Glen Beck, Bill O'Reilly and George Bush hoping we will be accepted if we agree with them. Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the like, are bullies, plain and simple. Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey is also a bully (though in order to fix NJ, the Governor has to be a bully).

Here is a perfect example of how we allow uninformed language to affect us: Why does the Tea Party confuse socialism and fascism? By becoming increasingly involved in our personal lives the government is becoming more and more fascist, not socialist. The Religious Right is a fascist movement. They want to dictate how we control our own bodies. I would like to administer an essay test to everyone who openly states an opinion about the direction the US is heading in: Compare and contrast socialism, fascism, capitalism, democratic republicanism, direct democracy, communism, and monarchism. Also to be discussed is which ones are forms of government and which are economic systems. What is the United States, economically and politically?

Oh, I am having a very relaxing weekend up at the cabin. It's just that I saw a youtube clip of Sarah Palin going on about grizzlies and pit bulls or something and it sent me over the edge.

1 comment:

  1. Great rant Rich, brought a smile to my face. Can't wait for Bri to get home from high school and read it, she is one of picked on smart ones!
