Monday, January 3, 2011

Rome Was Not Built in a Day

I see we have a new listener.  Perhaps they were surfing the net in search of a way to remove a coffee stain from a favorite silk shirt and the words "this sucks" in their Google search brought them to my blog.  Or perhaps a search for images of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt brought them to the Bad Kharma post (okay there is no Bad Kharma post but Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt???).

In any event we encourage all readers, rookie and veteran alike, to comment on the posts because otherwise what the hell is the point?  Sure the cathartic act of writing this crap makes me feel better, but what really pulls me out of my depression when I think of John Boehner as speaker of the house, is a well thought out and insightful response  to one of my blog posts.  Even a "this essay is derivative as Mark Twain already expounded on this topic in the 19th century" would cheer me up.  At least I would know literacy still exists in America.  And of course plain old words of acknowledgement such as "you're funny" or "I am worried for my sister's emotional well being" are always appreciated.

I have been writing this blog for one year and I have 65 posts and 6 admitted followers.  Pathetic numbers no matter what the "p" value.  Of course the Catholic church started out with 12 followers and a couple of letters to the Corinthians but it wasn't until about 250 years later when Constantine decreed every Roman should believe in only one god that the ideas really took off.  I am not comparing myself to Jesus (though we are both bad Jews) but you get my point.

So Happy New Year and thank you for reading this blather.  My New Year's resolution is to...............
is to.............................................


  1. Your New Year's Resolution is to keep blogging. I love my morning laugh, or entertainment during "lunch"!

  2. Dee-
    I was really counting on you to comment, "I am worried for my sister's emotional well being!"

  3. I'll be a rookie reader, and here is my comment. Read the blog from start to today. Learned a little, laughed a lot. Thanks for taking the time to blog. :-)

  4. BTW. you link to Wear This to Help Your Authenticity doesn't work.

  5. Fixed. And this is proof that people do still care.
