Sunday, November 27, 2011

Eleven Rules for Living

1.  It is never wrong to be a mensch.  Though the Jews still feel persecuted.
2.  The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.  Two 25 year olds are not better than a 50 year old.
3.  Own a pet.  They appreciate getting fed.
4.  If everyone threw their troubles into a circle you would take yours back. If I didn't have problems what would I talk about?
5.  Live every day as if next month will be your last.  You do need a little planning.
6. Walk a mile in another man's hiking boots.   Preferably Merrells.  And a Gore Tex liner wouldn't hurt.
7.  Call your mother.  Even if you are 70 and she is 95.
8.  At a party always talk to someone you don't know.  If you need a drink first, I understand.
9.  Don't take yourself seriously.  No one else does.
10.  Be open to other viewpoints.  Keep reading my blog.
11.  Never have more than ten rules.  Thinking you know more than God is a big mistake.


  1. Thanks to Brianna for the idea.
    And to my grandmother for numbers 2 and 4.
    And to Marta for number 8.

  2. These are great Richard, they are going on the wall of my office right next to Ralph's. He would be proud.

  3. Please e-mail Ralph's rules to me. Tammy could not enlighten me.

  4. we actually have rules 1-9, 11, 34, 35.
